PVS-Studio Analysis Results

Date:Thu Jun 20 20:50:14 2024
PVS-Studio Version:7.23.69221.300
Command Line:plog-converter -a GA\:1,2,3 -t fullhtml --indicate-warnings build/f7-firmware-DC/pvsreport.log -o build/f7-firmware-DC/pvsreport
Total Warnings (GA):2
Group Location Level Code Message
General Analysis update_task_worker_backup.c:75 Low V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the fourth actual argument of the 'furi_log_print_format' function. The SIGNED argument of memsize type is expected.
General Analysis update_task_worker_backup.c:75 Low V576 Incorrect format. Consider checking the fifth actual argument of the 'furi_log_print_format' function. The SIGNED argument of memsize type is expected.